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55th Session of HRC: CNDH Stresses the Importance of Engaging Children in (...)

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CNDH Shares GANHRI Statement Emphasizing Support for Participatory and Inclusive (...)

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55th Session of the HRC: CNDH Participates in an Interactive Dialogue with the (...)

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Mr. Driss Sentissi

Mr. Driss Sentissi, former parliamentarian and former Mayor of Salé.

Mr. Brahim Laghzal, Chairperson of the CNDH’s Regional Commission of Guelmim - Oued Noun

Mr. Brahim Laghzal, Chairperson of the CNDH’s Regional Commission of Guelmim - Oued Noun, is a founding member of several associations working on human rights.

Mr. Abdelhafid Edmino

Mr. Abdelhafid Edminou, Professor at Université Mohamed V and former Director of Cooperation at the Ministry in charge of relations with Parliament and Civil Society.

Mr. Taoufik Berdiji, Chairperson of the CNDH’s Regional Commission of Laayoune- Sakia El Hamra

Mr. Taoufik Berdiji, Chairperson of the CNDH’s Regional Commission of Laayoune- Sakia El Hamra, was born in Tantan, Morocco in 1970.He holds a DESA en droit public (diploma of Higher Studies in public law).He also holds a PhD in political science in 2010 on “L’élite de la ville de Laâyoune” (The local elite of the city of Laayoune). He is a member of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs (CORCAS) and works as an administrator in the municipality of El Marsa. He is the Vice President of the Ligue des droits humains à Laâyoune and a Secretary-General of the Réseau associatif forum Sakia Al-Hamra-Oued Eddahab pour le développement et la démocratie (associative network Sakia Al-Hamra Oued Eddahab Forum for Development and Democracy).Mr. Berdiji is the founding President of several associations including the Association Alibdaâ Assaharaoui  and the Association Tan-Tan pour le développement intégré, etc.

Mr. Omar Bnitto

Mr. Omar Benitto, Lawyer at the Barreau de Marrakech (Bar of Marrakech), former parliamentarian, and member of the executive bureau of Forum Karama.

Mrs. Maimouna Essayed, Chairperson of the CNDH’s Regional Commission of Dakhla- Oued Eddahab

Mrs. Maimouna Essayed, Chairperson of the CNDH’s Regional Commission of Dakhla- Oued Eddahab, holds a Master degree in human rights and is a President of Association Femme et Citoyenneté.


Mr. Omar Adkhil, former member of the House of Councilors.

Mrs. Najoua Achrki

Mrs. Najoua Achrki, a member representing the Ombudsman Institution.

Mrs. Aziza Bekkali Kacimi

Mrs. Aziza Bekkali Kacimi, Professor at Université Hassan II and President of Forum Azzahrae for Moroccan Woman.

Mr. Ali Benmakhlouf

Mr. Ali Ben Makhelouf was born on 10 November 1959 in Fez, Morocco. He is a Moroccan writer and researcher. He is a Professor specialized in Islamic philosophy and logic philosophy.He taught at several universities, such as the Université Paris-Est Créteil, the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Institute of Political Science in Paris), and at Vrije Universitieit Brussel (the Free University of Brussels). He is interested in analytical philosophy, and specializes in logic and the works of Frege, Russell and Whitehead. He is also interested in Islamic medieval philosophy.Mr. Ben Makhlouf was awarded the Ordre National du Mérite (France) by the Minister of Education (Vincent Peillon) in March 2014. He published several books on philosophy ,among which: “Pourquoi lire les philosophes arabes?” (Why read Arab philosophers), “La conversation comme manière de vivre” (dialogue as a way of life), etc.

Mr. Mustapha Merizak

Mr. Mustapha Mrizak, Professor at Université Moulay Ismael and member of the Moroccan Organization for Human Rights (OMDH).

Mrs. Nezha Guessous

Mrs. Nezha Guessous is a former Professor of medical biology at the Faculty of Medicine in Casablanca, Morocco, Consultant in Biology and Human Rights, and a member of the Royal Advisory Commission to reform the Family Code.

Mrs. Malika Benradi

Mrs. Malika Benradi is a Professor at Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco, and Consultant in child labour and women’s rights.

Mr. Mustapha Raïssouni

Born in 1939 in Tétouan, Morocco.Mr. Mustapha Raïssouni, lawyer, has been member of the Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) since 1990. He was also member of the Higher Council for Culture (CSC).Mr. Raïssouni, holder of a BA in law (1963), was elected President of the Bar of Tangier from 1977 to 1980. After having been its Secretary-General from 1985 to 1997, he was appointed President of the Association des Barreaux du Maroc (Association of the Bars of Morocco) from 1997 to 2000.Mr. Raïssouni headed also the Association de Soutien aux Établissements Universitaires (Association for supporting university institutions). He was the President of Abdellah Guennoun Foundation for Culture, Scientific Research, the Association du Développement de la province de Tanger (Association of developing the province of Tangier) and the Association Dar AL Hanae pour les enfants orphelins handicapés (association for handicapped orphan children).Mr. Raïssouni was former member of the Independent Arbitration Commission and member of the group of experts of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER).He published several studies in specialized magazines.

Mr. Abdelkerim Elaazani

Mr. Abdelkerim Elaazani is Judge and member of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power.

Mrs. Aicha Naciri

Mrs. Aicha Naciri is Judge and member of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power.

Mrs. Zahira Fountir

Mrs. Zahira Fountir, Professor at Abdelmalek Essaadi University.

Mr. Driss Ben Ahmed Khalifa

Mr. Driss Ben Ahmed Khalifa is Former Dean of Ussūl-Deen (or the Theoretical Foundations of Religion) Faculty in Tetouan, Morocco, and member of the Higher Ulema Council since 2014.

Mrs. Ajmiaa Haddad

Mrs. Ajmiaa Heddad, Lawyer at the Barreau du Casablanca (Bar of Casablanca) and founding member of Association Mama Assiya.
