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CNDH Secretary General Mr. Mohammed Essabbar, met with a US high delegation, chaired by Mr. John Hamre, President of the Washington-based Center of Strategic and International Studies and former U.S. deputy secretary of defense, on 28 March 2011, at the headquarters of the Council.

Mr. Essabar briefed the US delegation on the historical context of the Council’s creation and the achievements of Morocco in the field of human rights protection and promotion and the process of democratization and reforms…

The Secretary General highlighted the mandate of the Council in the field of human rights protection and promotion. In this regard, he shed light on the main project of the Council, namely: the follow-up of the implementation of the IER’s recommendations, Citizenship Platform for the promotion of human rights culture, the National plan of action on democracy and human rights.

As regards the late developments in Morocco, Mr. Essabbar said that these developments paved the way for the creation of the National Human Rights Council (taking the place of the Advisory Council on Human Rights), the Ombudsmen and the Ministerial Delegation of Human Rights, which came as a response to a recommendation made by the Advisory Council. He didn’t fail to stress the important of the announced reforms, mainly the review of the constitution.

Mr. Essabbar indicated that the situation of Morocco is little bit different in comparison with other Arab countries. Morocco, he said, is the first Arab country to open the page of the past human rights violations, adopt reforms and start the democratization process. Morocco has to keep going ahead to strengthen its achievements.

For his part, the US delegation praised the announced reforms in Morocco. He commended the work and actions of the Council and the Moroccan achievements in all fields.

The future is promising, Mr. Essabbar confirmed, adding that Morocco of tomorrow will certainly be different from Morocco of today, same as Morocco of today is totally different from Morocco of yesterday.
